SHARM EL-SHEIKH - The City of Peace

Situated in the National Park region of Ras Mohamed in the Southern Sinai, Sharm el-Sheikh is the ideal mix of sun, sea and sand. A coastal resort, the area is spread along the coast of Nabq, covering the areas of Na’ama Bay, Ras um Sidd and Sharm town, and offers the luxury of five-star hotels, water sports, shopping and entertainment for all ages.

Some of the world’s most beautiful underwater scenery can be found in the area between Tiran Island and Ras Mohammed National Park, found on the tip of the Southern Sinai. Crystal clear water, rare and beautiful reefs, and an abundant variety of tropical fish and colourful coral make the area a must-see for visitors. It’s easy to witness this natural beauty, just by taking a short snorkel off the coast. But undoubtedly, the best way to experience what the Red Sea can offer is by scuba diving, with easy access to some of the most prominent and interesting dive sites. Sharm has all the possible amenities for all levels of diving-enthusiasts, including dive shops, centres and boats. Diving training is also available for those who want to pick up a snorkel and tank for the first time.

Although diving is a prominent attraction in Sharm, the area also offers the beauty of the Sinai, with its mountains and valleys, numerous national parks, as well as some well-known attractions such as St. Catherine’s Monastery. The areas that make up Sharm are all well developed, with facilities and amenities that are relatively inexpensive compared to other beach resorts around the world.

Sharm el-Sheikh is one of the most accessible and developed tourist resort communities on the Sinai Peninsula, with Bedouins, colourful tents, mountains and sea to experience. Accommodation is fruitful, with intimate hotels with modern designs, as well as larger International chains, plus a whole range of amenities that any traveller could ask for within a bustling tourist centre. These include casinos, discos and nightclubs, golf courses, and of course, health facilities. The most renowned activities are diving and snorkelling, along with windsurfing and other water sports, horse and camel riding, desert safaris, and great nearby antiquity attractions. It really is impossible to be bored in Sharm el-Sheikh!

Sharm el-Sheikh consists of three main areas; Sharm el Maya and its bay, a number of other bays and El Hadaba. In the greater resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, the bays include the following: Sharm el Maya, Na’ama Bay, Garden Bay, Tiger Bay, Sharks Bay, and Nabq Bay.

Na’ama Bay is the most renowned of all the bays in Sharm, as this is where most of the hotels are located. The area around Sharm el Maya is not large, but you can find a number of restaurants and nightspots, and also the local bazaar or ‘souq’. The main port and marina is also found here, with a fishing and diving boat jetty.

Heure et date actuelle
Samedi, 27 Jui 2024 - 08:22 (GMT +2)
Météo actuelle
Sedi, 27 Jui 2024 @ 08:00 EET
31°C (87°F) Humidité: 57%
Vent: Nord Ouest 1.62
Info Devises
Samedi, 27 Jui 2024 @ 08:00 EET
EGP ~ Egyptian Pound
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